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48 hours later...

...back to the doctor for a hormone level recheck and our first ultrasound! How exciting and totally nervewracking at the same time...until I realized there would be precious little to see (so, maybe not so much pressure ~ whew!) The HCG I had tested last time is supposed to double every 48-72 hours, and based on my first result, the doctor said anything over 5,000 would be good.

So, mooooooore nerves on my part. This is "the" test to see if the pregnancy is actually progressing. If the numbers aren't doubling, it's not a good sign. This has been the longest 48 hours ever! Thank goodness HCG came back at 5,504....yes, we might really be having a baby!! Now for the good stuff:

Here's the baby at 5 weeks, 4 days old!! All you can see here is the gestational sac (black part) and yolk sac (little white thingy underneath the gestational sac). Right now, the baby's the size of a sesame seed!


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